The Experience and Enjoyment of Christ in the Local Churches


The Lord Jesus Christ is so universally vast, and the believers’ experience and enjoyment of Him so immeasurably rich, that the apostle Paul described his gospel simply as “the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Eph. 3:8). These riches of Christ are not only for our personal enjoyment, but even the more, they are to be enjoyed corporately in the local church, the practical expression of the universal Church city by city. The purpose of this Website is to unveil the corporate experience and enjoyment of Christ in the local church as revealed both in Old Testament types and as New Testament realities. Both aspects are addressed extensively in the writings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, excerpts of which follow.

The Experience and Enjoyment of Christ in the Local Churches

A. The Experience of Christ in the Local Church Described in the Old Testament Types

B. The Enjoyment of Christ in the Local Church Revealed in the Old Testament Types

C. The Experience of Christ in the Local Church Revealed in the New Testament

D. The Enjoyment of Christ in the Local Church Portrayed in the New Testament

As we will see, both the Old Testament and the New Testament abound with types and examples to interpret and enrich our experience and enjoyment of Christ in the local churches.



Described in OT


Revealed in OT


Revealed in NT


Portrayed in NT






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